Widening the net
We deliver more than 500 school and university simulation events each year to widen the attraction to finance and build a diverse, engaged pipeline. This free, practical training enables students to make an informed choice on their future role.

Levelling the playing field
From this global pipeline, we refer the best performers in each specialism to further, more in-depth training, complemented by our acclaimed market insights. This helps prepare them for a career in finance at the highest level, irrespective of their background.

Exclusive access to unique talent
We are unique in that we refer high performing candidates to meet your specific needs, and unlike other recruitment firms, we don’t share them with multiple clients at the same time. We ensure a 4-week period before we recommend them to anyone else.

We support candidates all the way through their journey - in addition to the extensive, performance-based training - our 5-day, career-readiness programme, gets them desk-ready before joining your firm, which is also proven to increase retention in the longer term.
To join the revolution in graduate recruitment in finance and discover more about the AmplifyME Attract and Discover Programme, get in touch today.