From leaders in finance

Having a mentor, or seeking advice from experienced people holds incredible value as a young individual.

 In the world of finance there are a number of inspirational leaders. So here, we have compiled some of the best advice from some of the most recognised names in industry and from contacts within the Amplify community.
“Work in an idea meritocracy”
Ray Dalio, Co-CIO at bridgewater Associates
An idea meritocracy is a place where you can always ask the questions that you need to ask and challenge the ideas and not be held as a lackey to a boss but instead as a partner, so that you can learn and grow and have a say. 
"Go to work for whomever you admire most"
Legendary investor warren buffett
You can’t get a bad result. You’ll jump out of bed in the morning and you’ll be having fun. In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.
Don’t be in a hurry. It’s a journey"
David Solomon, CEO Goldman Sachs
Ultimately you've got to find something you are passionate or interested in, but you don't have to find that on day one. It's marathon not a sprint.
“Failure is okay"
Christine Lagarde, President European Central Bank
This is not necessarily accepted in all societies or all civilisations. But success does not come easily and should not be taken for granted. It is very much about hard work, resilience, determination – it’s also about teamwork. Helping others, being helped, operating with others on your team is critically important.
"Be liked, Be first to respond, Be curious"
Will Smith, Co-head of EU Prime Brokerage Morgan Stanley
Be first to respond, as before long clients will only ask you. Culture is important, better to win as a team. Always hire people who are better than you, weak managers hire weak people.
"Be authentic"
nick Baker, Founder of alpha fmc
My view is don't behave in business in a way you wouldn't behave with people in the wider world - having respect and being personable goes a long way.
"Don't be your own worst enemy"
Will de Lucy, Co-Founder of Amplify Trading
Many worries, concerns and anxieties you have on your performance are blown out of proportion. Try to not over-analyse every small thing and step back to see the bigger journey.
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