May 29


Learn how we collaborated with RBC to upskill the young first-year women of their renowned Capital Market's Womens Advisory Programme, from finance novices to fierce contenders at interview stage and beyond, in just five weeks.

The Challenge: levelling the playing field

In 2023, RBC's Early Careers Team turned to AmplifyME to develop a solution to help them upskill participants of their Capital Markets Women’s Advisory Programme across just five weeks, which helps first-year university women build the knowledge, experience and confidence required to land a place on their summer internships and beyond.

  • The Programme requires intensive upskilling of participants in three global locations within short timeframes ranging from a few days to five weeks.
  • Participants typically lack understanding of available roles and have minimal commercial acumen, so building this along with confidence was crucial. 
  • RBC's Careers Team needed to understand each candidate's unique strengths and weaknesses for accurate division placement, retention and performance.


Progressed to final-stage interview 

Reported increased career clarity    

Reported increased insights 

Progressed to final-stage interview 

Reported increased career clarity    

Converted to internship offers  

Progressed to final-stage interview 

Reported increased career clarity    

Converted to internship offers  

AmplifyME's solution 

Tailored Programme

A customised programme of practical, immersive markets and banking simulations, delivered in person and virtually to train and assess.

Immersive hands-on approach

Participants experience roles from Junior Investment Banking Analysts to Traders to ESG Investment Managers.

Incremental learning

We set the difficulty levels to deliberately build across the length of the programme culminating in the most challenging.

In-depth candidate reporting

Individual candidate performance data highlighting strengths and weaknesses was shared with Early Careers Team at the end.

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