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in Markets
Supercharge your CV and get fast-tracked to internship and graduate opportunities in markets by booking your place on our free markets accelerator simulation now.
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Get ready for your future in Markets
Supercharge your CV and get fast-tracked to internship and graduate opportunities in markets by booking your place on our free markets accelerator simulation now.
Main roles
Building relationships with clients, understanding their needs, and offering tailored financial products and solutions, such as equities, fixed income, currencies, and commodities.
Build valuable client relationships
Develop deep market knowledge.
Drive client-focused financial solutions.
Enhance communication and negotiation skills.
Achieve revenue growth and targets.

Executing buy and sell orders for various financial instruments, managing risk, and providing liquidity in the markets. Traders often specialise in specific asset classes.
Gain expertise in market dynamics.
Develop quick decision-making skills.
Experience fast-paced, high-stakes environment.
Specialise in asset class strategies.
Master risk management and execution.

Monitoring and managing financial, operational, and market risks associated with trading activities and portfolios. Ensures that all positions align with risk appetite and regulatory requirements.
Develop comprehensive risk assessment skills.
Master regulatory and compliance knowledge.
Gain expertise in portfolio protection.
Experience strategic risk management approaches.
Work closely with trading and compliance.

Analysing market trends, economic data, and individual securities to provide insights and investment recommendations to clients and internal teams.
Acquire in-depth market analysis skills.
Develop expertise in multiple asset classes.
Produce influential investment recommendations.
Enhance critical thinking and modelling.
Collaborate with diverse financial professionals.


Building relationships with clients, understanding their needs, and offering tailored financial products and solutions, such as equities, fixed income, currencies, and commodities.
Build valuable client relationships
Develop deep market knowledge.
Drive client-focused financial solutions.
Enhance communication and negotiation skills.
Achieve revenue growth and targets.

Executing buy and sell orders for various financial instruments, managing risk, and providing liquidity in the markets. Traders often specialise in specific asset classes.
Gain expertise in market dynamics.
Develop quick decision-making skills.
Experience fast-paced, high-stakes environment.
Specialise in asset class strategies.
Master risk management and execution.

Monitoring and managing financial, operational, and market risks associated with trading activities and portfolios. Ensures that all positions align with risk appetite and regulatory requirements.
Develop comprehensive risk assessment skills.
Master regulatory and compliance knowledge.
Gain expertise in portfolio protection.
Experience strategic risk management approaches.
Work closely with trading and compliance.

Analysing market trends, economic data, and individual securities to provide insights and investment recommendations to clients and internal teams.
Acquire in-depth market analysis skills.
Develop expertise in multiple asset classes.
Produce influential investment recommendations.
Enhance critical thinking and modelling.
Collaborate with diverse financial professionals.
Financial institutions come to AmplifyME to attract, recruit and
train young talent. Our partners include:

Build your experience in markets

Step 2
become a high Potential Candidate (HPC)
If you demonstrate high-performance in one pathway, we will invite you further accredited training and mentorship as a High Potential Candidate (HPC).

Markets success story

Marie-Therese Kerr
“AmplifyME was pivotal in defining my career
ambitions and led to a role at Morgan Stanley.”
ambitions and led to a role at Morgan Stanley.”
2023 Morgan Stanley Sales and Trading Summer Analyst
Final Year BSc Hons Mathematics, Statistics and Finance
Explore other Experiences
Experience banking

Chart your success in investment banking through immersive, real-world simulations. Build your CV and stand out to progress to the Banking Academy, where we accelerate your journey to leading banks like UBS.
Experience banking

Chart your success in investment banking through immersive, real-world simulations. Build your CV and stand out to progress to the Banking Academy, where we accelerate your journey to leading banks like UBS.
Useful Links
Sign up to our e-newsletter for the latest market news and careers support.
Sign up to our e-newsletter for the latest market news and careers support.
© Amplify Trading LTD (REG NO: 06798566) VAT: GB947568566. Registered England and Wales.
Useful Links
Amplify Trading, 18 St Swithlin’s Ln, London EC4N 8AD
+44 (0) 203 372 8415
Sign up to our e-newsletter for the latest market news and careers support.

© Amplify Trading LTD (REG NO: 06798566) VAT: GB947568566. Registered England and Wales.